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The Ultimate Cozy Gift Guide

The Ultimate Cozy Gift Guide

Thank you QVC for sponsoring this post and of course all opinions are my own.


Christmas is around the corner and I found all the cozy gifts! You guys know QVC is my favorite online shop because the deals are just way too good! QVC is having some major sales going on with insane prices! Ok... time for all the cozies! 



3 Tops 9 Outfits

3 Tops 9 Outfits

Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post and of course all opinions are my own.

3 Tops 9 Outfits

I found 3 tops from Walmart that I absolutely love and I styled them 3 ways each! Walmart has been killing it this year in fashion. I am just loving the new brand Scoop!!! The Leopard print trend is still going strong and Walmart has so many cute options. 

Read the article

Victoria Emerson Fall Collection

Victoria Emerson Fall Collection

Thank you Victoria Emerson for sponsoring this post.

My Must Accessory 

 You probably won’t see me not wearing a Victoria Emerson bracelet. It is my go to accessory! I’m really loving the wrap bracelets because they go with EVERYTHING! Victoria Emerson just launched their new fall hues! Click HERE for their new fall collection. Its free shipping on orders over $50! I would snag as many as possible...

Music My Way

Music My Way

Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post. 

The only way to listen to music

 is through a record player. The sound quality is so much better, in my opinion. I am an old soul and I love the old sound. I purchase all my record players at Walmart because you can't beat those prices. Walmart also has so many vinyls to choose from. They have the old classics to brand new releases. 

Whoa! Wait! Walmart?

Whoa! Wait! Walmart?

Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post.


 Walmart is stepping up the game, my friends! Have you heard of the new line called Scoop on Walmart.com? It is FABULOUS! Think rocker-chic. The line has some animal print, camo, leather, denim, and so much more! Walmart also offers 2 day free shipping! YAY!

Yes... I am wearing a leather jacket! It is THE best leather jacket I...