Designer Dresses For Less

This post may contain affiliate links. Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post. 

Happy Mother's Day!!! I wanted to share my favorite Summer dresses for all the Moms out there. Dresses are my go to for spring and summer fashion. Have you guys seen the new Sofía Jeans by Sofía Vergara Summer collection at Walmart? Well, have no fear Aly is here to show you. The collection is so much FUN. It has sizes for EVERYONE and everything is under $40. The summer collection includes floral maxi dressesbrightly-colored midi dressesanimal-print jean jacketsacid-wash denimoff-the-shoulder tops, and more. The clothing line is a size-inclusive line with sizes ranging from XS to XXXL and the jeans are available in sizes 0 to 20. This line is available exclusively at

How cute is this dress?? I love all the layers of ruffles at the top and bottom. It has short flutter sleeves with cold-shoulder cutouts and a crossover neckline. The material is soft like a chambray shirt. This dress would be perfect for church, baby shower or any shower, a night out on the town, or just out for the day! It is true to size. (I am wearing a medium). 

This dress just screams "TAKE ME OUT!" Right?? Leopard is my favorite print right now!  I love the ruffled off the shoulder look of this dress. The material feels like comfortable. This is a very flattering dress for all body types. This dress is true to size. I am wearing a medium. 

I was so mad that I didn't find this dress before Easter. It would have been so perfect! This dress is my favorite out of Sofía Jeans by Sofía Vergara's summer collection. It is light and airy! It is also fully lined. (It's not see through). I am wearing a medium but i think I might get the small. So definitely get one size down. 

S H O P   M Y   L O O K S

O T H E R   F A V O R I T E S 

F I N A L   T H O U G H T S

I love that Walmart is bringing in new designer brands for less. I absolutely love the Sofía Jeans by Sofía Vergara's new Summer collection! It is fun, colorful, and perfect for summer. Let me know in the comments you thoughts on her new collection. Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post. 

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